Post by Cattrim Rallon on Oct 10, 2007 12:37:33 GMT
Feet propped up upon the table with pint of beer in his hand and the remanents of his delicious dinner pushed to one side, with no crumbs upon the plate of course, everyone would think Cattrin was completely relaxed. To a degree he was, the food had filled a large hole and his thirst for alcohol was being quenched, but he was also waiting for something to happen. The problem being he didn't and couldn't know when it would happen. So he sat back feeling impatience gnawing away, but trying tojust relax himself by listening to the idle chit chat and gossip circulating the pub, apparently Mrs Baxter was having aches and pains, how every interesting.
The regulars chattered away with the usual talk, first about the weather then gradually to more meaningful topics, though harvesting Mr Hobrushes vegetable garden was of course crucial. The chatter never went to a certain topical issue though; rumours of corruptness within the Ministry, some would say it was under a tyrant, but those people were either foolish, or knew too much for their own good. Few people really pondered about the ministry, they had no real pressing need to puzzle over it as their daily lives and routines continued as normal. That might be more than enough for some people, but others felt a higher calling, still others were simply in the wrong place at the wrong time and landed themselves in a pile of trouble; Cattrin would claim he was one of those when pressed, but really he was passionate about restoring true law and order to the land as it were. He didn't believe the current government was efficient, let alone ethical, therefore he was doing his little bit to do something about it.
For now though he just had to bide his time...
Post by Dyanneabelle Alméida on Oct 10, 2007 12:53:31 GMT
Dyanneabellehad been doing a lot today, though it was probably nothing she should be doing. Dyanneabelle wasnt really a bad person, nor a bad influence but sometimes she liked to do things that either werent allowed or werent like her. Take today for example, she should have been in the Library studying but instead she found herself down in Hogsmeade, the popular wizarding village and heading into the pub people called the Three Broomsticks, though unfortunatly for her, the place was full.
She grabbed herself a butterbeer and looked around at the crowd to see if there was anywhere free, though there wasnt and the only other place was where a guy was sitting completly relaxed and at ease. She watched him for a moment, the way his stance was, it seemed that he didnt really care much about anything, well that was the opinion Dyanneabelle got anyway. Dyanneabelle couldnt help over hearing conversations as she watched at the bar, though this man had gotten her even more transifxed than any conversation could. She wondered who he was. Finally, after what seemed like ages, she walked over to him with a smile and said, "Is anybody sitting here?"
Post by Cattrim Rallon on Oct 10, 2007 18:13:49 GMT
After a time Cattrim could feel eyes upon him, he wasn't unaccustomed to it as his nonchalant appearance and manner could attract attention fairly easily. His gaze drifted over to the culprit and their eyes met briefly but he kept then moving, only a hint of a smile playing upon his features showing he'd noticed.
Glugging down he rest of his pint he cheerily called for another as the girl approached cautiously. As if coming out of a reverie his eyes darted up to her, "no," he murmured in answer a puzzled expression breifly flitting across his brow. "Feel free to join me," he smiled reassuringly, "I don't bite, though Mrs Baxter might say differently." With his playful manner Cattrin joked then introduced himself as; "Catt Rallon at your service," he raised a questionning eyebrow to ask her name then took his feet off the table to prove his table manners weren't atrocious, poor but not awful.
"So Missy what brings you out at this hour then? Mischief and deep yearning for adventure?" He couldn't help asking as that was precisely what he had wanted as a teenager and young adult for that matter, even now.
Post by Dyanneabelle Alméida on Oct 27, 2007 20:43:57 GMT
Dyanneabelle noticed the smile upon the mans face but was unable to tell whether it was directed at her or just out of plain amusement. Belle leaned more on her left leg as she tried to study him, though his stance gave nothing away and Belle was finding it extreamly hard to come up with a perspective on the guy. Which was unlike her, usually after looking at someone for such a length of time, she was able to exact some form of... Something!
Belle took a step back as she saw his eyes jusr dart at her as if she was some form of animal. Belle nodded nervously as she sat down and listened to him, forcing a smile across her face and starting to wonder whether this was such a good idea. "Dyanneabelle Alméida" she spoke back, some confidence coming back into her voice as she rested her eyes upon him, giving a slight smile when he removed his feet off the table.
"I dont really know if im honest" she spoke, though she was guessing that it might have something to do with a sense of adventure, of the thought of being caught in Hogsmeade when you were meant to be in bed. "I guess i just wanted to get out for a bit"
Post by Cattrim Rallon on Oct 30, 2007 16:56:09 GMT
She didn't seem to comfortable within the pub, that was the impression she gave to Catt, but even he had to admit that few people looked as relaxed as he did. He always looked fairly cool and calm on the surface, except when people got right under his skin, or when plans went so horribly wrong, but he was overall fairly confident within himself; not arrogant like some thankfully. Easing back in his chair he absently looked about the room, everyone seemed fairly quiet just the dull chatter as background noise, only Mrs Baxter's voice soared above the rest.
"Interesting name," he mused wondering if he'd heard it before, he felt like it rang a faint bell, perhaps he'd dealt with her family at one time or another.
"Oh you shouldn't be so honest," he chided with a grin, meaning it as a simple joke, "you could have made up something wild and exciting, like a ghost has this massive vendetta against me, chased me out of the castle, I had to take a secret passageway, but now I just want a quiet drink." He chortled remembering that antic all to well, for he had been hounded by a ghost for well over a year at Hogwarts, until things had been settled between them.
"Then again, that did actually happen to me don't ya know." He grinned, "well you aren't out for fresh air, otherwise you wouldn't have chosen a pub," he laughed taking a strong whiff of raw atmosphere, an elderly warlock in a corner puffed furiously upon his pipe seemingly caring nothing for any smoking ban.
"Maybe you wanted company?" He mused aloud, "but I'm being way to damn prying, I'll shut up now." He quickly changed his eyes sweeping from her over to the bar. "Unless you wanted a drink?" He asked with twinkling eyes.
Post by wolfchica on Nov 8, 2007 4:11:17 GMT
Antje slipped into the pub. Sick of school work and wanting a butterbeer is her alibi, but she had just set off a stink bomb in the corridor. Anch walked up to the bar ordered a butterbeer and when she recieved it in a dirty looking mug she stifled a small laugh at how full it was today. She saw a third year and some adult talking. Might as well go sit down with them cuz its the only open chair, walking over there she just stood listening to who she thought was a third year.