Post by Mark Alméida on Aug 20, 2007 4:18:05 GMT
"No Max dont be ridiculous" Mark said, "Im obviously going to make these babies im just not going to stay with their mothers" Mark shrugged, in all honesty he had never really thought about Max finding it weird about Mark with all those girls, it just seemed natural. It was natural... "Thank you Hennerdale i appreciate that"
"Yep!" Mark laughed remembering that time well, "To be honest though, i did sleep till twenty past two that morning, that was why i was so late. I was planning on being on time for once, and not being on Mark time"
"Ooh females! I like females." he said sticking his tongue out and panting like a dog. "Female, oof ahh" He said imitating a caveman "Mark like female. Female good. Female have female things" He stopped and laughed, shrugging at the same time, "Couldnt resist mate"
"I dont know, it could be" Mark said, thinking about it, "But if it is then... Well you know the stories we were told about that guy." Mark thought about the stories and shuddered, he wouldnt even repeat them, the very thought of them chilled him to the core. "I think we best finding out before we take him on"
Post by Professor Ashton Laurent on Aug 20, 2007 4:21:28 GMT
Ashton stared in confusion as Mark began imitating a cave man. Or at leat, that's what he looked like he was doing... Shaking his head, Ashton leaned in towards Maxi and whispered in his ear, "Maxi? Your friend scares me."
Post by Max Hennerdale on Aug 20, 2007 4:29:16 GMT
"Ah, so your going to be doing the fun part of it, your just not going to be doing the work part that you have made?" Maxi said nodding his head, he should have known that would have been Marks answer. "Your welcome Alméida"
"So your finally admitting it! But you wouldnt at the time!" Maxi laughed, he had known the real reason for Mark being so late but he just wouldnt admit to it.
Maxi watched Mark imitate the cavemen and laughed, he didnt half crack Maxi up sometimes and he was now realising, apart from Ashton, how empty his life had been without Mark in it, being there to brighten up his day, "Dont worry ash, He scares me to"
"Yeah i remember them stories well and good" Maxi said, he had almost wished he had never asked about Vance when he had heard other professors talking about him. The stories himself he pretended in his mind were exagerrated and it eased them a little but... Not a lot. "For once Mark, thats one of your more sensible ideas"
Post by Mark Alméida on Aug 20, 2007 7:14:55 GMT
"Damn right I'll be doing the fun part of it, I mean, I'll need kids to carry on my family name, considering I only have a sister and she's probably going to get married to some guy with a crazy lame ass name like Leroy, then obviously all her kids are gonna have Leroy as their last name and not Alméida, so the family name goes bye bye!" Mark waved his hand at the end of this sentance before continuing, "So yeah, since Im the last male in our family, because for some reason, everyones sprouting out girls, I have to make babies to carry on the name... Or something along those lines... I just confused myself... I think"
"Well... I... Uh" Mark stammered, he had always vowed he would never tell Max the real reason he was late that night, but in all the excitement of seeing him again he had completly forgotten. "Well, what can I say?"
Mark ignored the comments about being frightening, but found himself wondering, in all his blatent weirdness he was actually pretty damn scary, or could be. Deciding to retort to their comments he spoke in a feigned high pitch voice, "Yeah meet me in a dark alley on a winters windy night eh?"
The whole Vance subject however was giving Mark the wiggins. So he decided to let it flow from his mind, not before thinking what crazy idiot would allow someone like him to teach.
Post by Professor Ashton Laurent on Aug 20, 2007 15:24:24 GMT
An uncharacteristic smirk filled Ashton's face. "Well, I for one, would rather explore the Forbidden Forest." He looked towards the trees, his face was set, eyes hard and cold, glittering like gemstones "I've heard that the Ministry is trying to keep an even tighter leash on the school, and that they're keeping, or at least trying to keep kids from going in there." He looked back towards the boys, with the same hard, cold look in his sapphire eyes. "So, if the Ministry is so intent on controlling us, they're obviously hiding something." He smirked, "Why not try to find out what it is?" He said.
Post by Max Hennerdale on Aug 20, 2007 15:31:34 GMT
"Mark is that really how you want your life to be?" Maxi asked with a raised eyebrow. He raised it even more when some guys name popped up, "Leroy? Your sister is marrying someone with the last name as Leroy? And your folks are allowing this?" Maxi questioned, Leroy was a common name, though sure Mark was rambling but when didnt he these days?
"Well you cant say anything that wont make you look like a fool you know" he said smiling as he looked upon the face of his best friend. Maxi knew Mark well enough to know when he knew that he had lost the battle.
Maxi looked over at the forbidden forest, Mark had never been in there before and besides, Maxi was actually rather creeped by that place, he smirked and looked at them both, "Well in that case i take my leave" he smiled at the two, "There aint no way im goin in there! Not after what i had heard!"
Post by Mark Alméida on Aug 20, 2007 15:44:54 GMT
"Thats exactly how I want my life to be, Its Mark perfect, suits me just fine" he said looking between the two love birds but nearly creased over laughing when Maxi had got the wrong end of the stick, "No, no!" he waved his hand in front of him and stopped laughing, "I was just making an example using that name Leroy, I dont think Dyanneabelle Leroy or Alexis-Mai Leroy sounds right, and i dont think they'd be stupid enough to marry someone with a name like that" Mark laughed again, "To my parents that name is common, and they hate the way i shorten my name down to Mark, 'Common as mud that is'" He imitated his mother.
"Yeah i do tend to look daft whenever i open this mouth of mine dont i?" He smiled, looking towards Ashton who he had barely spoke two words to, but as much as a chatterer as Mark was, he couldnt think of anything to say so just smiled.
"Hey man Im not going in there without you" Mark said and looked over towards the forest, "Go on then Max, what have you heard thats got you spooked so much?" Mark hadnt yet been inside the forest and he was curious about it, "Wait a mo" he turned to look at Ash, "Your telling me, some fancy high powered people are trying to control us?" Mark laughed, "Not in my lifetime" he smirked and looked between them both, "So whats been going on then?" the question was aimed at Ashton. "I think to add to the list of people to annoy, we should annoy the ministry folk, show 'em we aint gonna be controlled like some form of puppy dog"
Post by Professor Ashton Laurent on Aug 20, 2007 15:49:50 GMT
Ashton snickered, "What's wrong? You afraid?" he teased, then he became more serious, "Besides you shouldn't believe everything you hear." Ashton turned his gaze towards the forest one more, he stared off into the distance, and when he spoke his voice was a low, dark whisper. "Anyway, there are things more frightening than a forest. Much more frightening."
Post by Max Hennerdale on Sept 7, 2007 15:47:17 GMT
"Well my fellow Gryffindor friend I must say you are quite the stupid one indeed" Maxi crossed his arms and pouted. "Oh, so she's not marrying anyone with the name Leroy then? I see..." he couldnt help but laugh as Mark delved into the conversation about why his sisters wouldnt marry anyone called Leroy. "Yeah, at yours and i have to call you Markeil!" he laughed again, Mark hated that name more than anything and Maxi knew he did.
"Well you are daft anyway so yeah you do"
"What do you mean not going in without me" Maxi said, folding his arms and sitting defiantly on the grass. "Whats got me spooked? How about the tees seem to watch you, theres werewolves in there not to mention half crazed centaurs and ghosties! Aaaaannnddd! Theres meant to be some crazy ass loonytune in there too" Maxi sighed, Mark was always rash and never thought things through, "Hang on Mark. The Ministry is the power and they can do whatever they want. Annoy them and you might find yourself heading for a one way ticket to Azkaban. And i love you man but dont think im gonna visit you in there"
Post by Professor Ashton Laurent on Sept 10, 2007 20:48:14 GMT
Ashton shook his head and laughed at the slightly absurd conversation going on between Mark and Maxi. "You two do realize that you're making very little sense, don't you?" he asked as wrapped an arm around Maxi's waist.